A picture of Happy New Year on gold background

          A new year is about to begin, the clock is ticking and the time is approaching 12am we are waiting, waiting eagerly to witness the dawn of a new year. Some hopeful, some in excitation and expectation, and some in anticipation of what the New Year has to offer them. Others relax and feel the New Year is just a cycle.

          Imagine the New Year like a closed box full of different tools and raw materials that has not yet been used which will be presented to us. What are we going to do when it is presented to us and we open it? That is what the New Year will be like when we enter into it, what are we going to do when we enter into it? Are we going to start planning?
          No! We are supposed to be implementing and reaping the harvest of the previous year. We are supposed to start planning for the new year before we enter into it. The New Year is just 365days or 366days for a leap year. If you want to have a new year you need to have a new thinking, an improved plan and a better implementation strategy for each plan.
          You need a new vision for the New Year. See the New Year as an opportunity to step up in life, a whole new package of “Three-hundred and sixty-five” days offered to you is too big an opportunity to be wasted.
          What is your plan for the New Year, where is your map for the New Year. Bring it out, spread it wide on the table and look at it. Tell yourself “This is the road map for the New Year”
Ask yourself:

  • Am I ready to go through this for the next ‘Three-hundred and sixty-five’ days?

  • Is there anything missing in this map?

  • Is there anything I need to add to this map?

  • Is this map too sparse to go through next ‘Three-hundred and sixty-five’ days?
Your planting season begins now! Not next year, you need to know where to plant, what to plant and how to plant in such a way that you will harvest favorably.

  • Plant something to harvest for next year.

  • Plant new financial strategy for financial freedom

  • Plant self-development projects for next year such as:

a.   Enhancement of personal skills

b.   Enhancement of relationship and association with people you will come in contact.
c.   Enhancing your communication skills.
d.   Enhancing your words, your vocabulary.
e.   Improving and sharpening your mentality through self-education in your choice of interest
f.     Plant new location to relocate (break away from limited comfort zone).
g.   Plant new job outlet and be ready to sail out.

Do not miss your planting season.
          When you have done all this, then you can watch the clock tick knowing that you have two major things to do when the New Year comes, to harvest and to implement, holding your road map going through it.
          Imagine again, the New Year like a closed box full of different tools and raw materials that has not yet been used which will be presented to us to use for the next 365days. Only those with no plan and time-map for the New Year will find unusual tools and raw materials in the package and they will go through the New Year unsure of what to use, when to use and how to use those tools met for the New Year in 365days.
          Such people will go through next year with complains, annoyance, frustrations, confusion and with a “wish-others-bad” attitude. 365days is so big an opportunity of a life time to waste. What an unusual experience it will be.
          The clock is ticking. Its twelve O’ clock, it’s January first of a New Year. It is no longer 365days or 366days a leap year, our time starts now! The clock is ticking so let’s grab our package and go to work.
Today is a new day of a new month and a very happy New Year.


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