Picture of me in front of a staircase

There is always a moment where we look into our lives and be grateful for all we have been through. Our experiences continue to be our teacher in life. Such moment has been my experience in 2017.
 The year 2017 has thought me to be more grateful for all the experiences I have passed through. When a new year begins, we shout “Happy New Year” and bring out our plan for that year in order to start executing it. We may be so optimistic that we will achieve everything, but sometimes it does not turn out as we planned.

As 2017 gradually glide to the fourth quarter of the year, for the very first time I became aware of the paradox of life. I can say I experienced many things in the year but what was unique in all those experiences is that, it teaches me the paradox of life and opened my eyes to possibilities.
If you have asked me in the fourth quarter of the year, “What words can you use to describe your experience for the first Three quarters of the year?” You may be amazed as to how I will answer the question.
Okay, here it is. It made me understand that no condition in life is ever permanent. I have read it in books, seen it in movies, but none is more real than my real life experience. That is how closed I can describe the experience and will optimistically say that “Your current situation cannot rob you of your position in life”.
I am grateful to God Almighty for those people who I have come in contact with and whose presence have been warm, leaving me a positive Upthrust. I am even more grateful to God Almighty for those who walked out of my life because they would have been a great burden to me, their presence would have added nothing of value to me.
2017 was one of the greatest turning point in my life. It was a year where I have to take a life changing decision and hold firm to it, and that decision stood with me not caring what would follow after that. It was what I called determination to change your life with a right attitude.
The year thought me to see a new reflection in that, when you decide to humble yourself, you see that there are actually no big or small people, it’s just an illusion we create for ourselves and for others to believe. The year thought me that you can hold your dignity with integrity and stoop so low to conquer.
In this way conquering become more easy and natural, it’s where I learnt how to stop fighting and start winning. When I say fighting, am not talking about the physical actions you carry out with individuals or group, absolutely no! What I mean is the approach to the challenges of life and how to deal with it.
The year thought me that when you stoop low to conquer, you have actually done something different from what you have been doing and a different result will be attained. I was made to understand that if you cannot go through a challenge, you can possibly go round it and achieve the same result.
Listen! There are many trails up the mountain but in time they all reach the top. You may be wondering why the need for this reflection. This reflection is only met to inspire people. Hear this, there are people who have been at the top and then one day, just one small mistake landed them from somewhere to nowhere. There are others who have been at the bottom in life then one day, just a single little act made them rose to the top. This is what I call the paradox of life.
Life is never static that’s while it’s called LIFE.
No condition in life is ever permanent. Do you think, you will remain in your current condition forever? If that’s what you have in your mind, one day, just one day something will amaze you. It will be either you move or something will move you definitely to the bottom or the top.
2017 is an experience that has come and gone. I was part of that experience and history have written my story. We cannot take away the whole year of 2011 and jump into 2018, that is why we have to pass through it and you should be grateful to survive it. 
I am grateful to God Almighty for that and you should also be grateful because without 2017, there will be no 2018. Happy New year and welcome to 2018!

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